Pupil Premium

The Keys Academy Trust’s aim is that all pupils, irrespective of their background or the challenges they face, make effective progress and achieve highly across all subject areas. We want them to value their education and support their desire to learn and do well regardless of their backgrounds. Across The Keys schools, pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds are known and valued as a part of their school and the Trust’s community. This includes challenging our high attaining disadvantaged pupils and supporting learners with additional vulnerabilities which pose further barriers to achievement. We also aspire to engage our families in their schools’ offer and support them in having high aspirations for their children.

We intend for all pupils from a disadvantaged background in The Keys schools to develop into confident individuals who are the best person they can possible be. They will read fluently and widely, forming opinions on books and authors. They will write confidently to express their views, solve mathematical problems fluently, gain wider knowledge of the world around them through a carefully constructed curriculum and real-life experiences. They will be given opportunities to take part in school events, teams and extra curricular clubs and activities. They will have aspirations similar to or above those of their peers. They will experience the opportunity to feel successful and to open doors to the next stage of their education.

All tiers of governance are expected to regularly monitor the success of the Trust’s and schools’ Pupil Premium Strategies through regular checks on the progress and success of the strategy in School Leader’s Data Reports and the targets in our PPG Strategy plan.

Strategic Priority:

To ensure that all disadvantaged pupils make at least the same progress as their non-disadvantaged peers nationally, with a significant proportion surpassing the national average, by providing high-quality teaching, targeted academic support, and systematically addressing barriers to learning.

KP1: Securing the progress and attainment of targeted learners through high quality teaching for all pupils. 

KP2: Using specialist or specific targeted academic support to improve overall provision, as well as accelerate the progress of disadvantaged pupils.

KP3: Minimising the impact of barriers to learning and promoting cultural capital (Early Intervention and Prevention) through a focus on wider strategies.

KP4: Effective leadership and governance to ensure consistent implementation of the strategy across the schools.