Michael is Chair of the Premises Committee. Michael has significant experience in the public sector in local government, consultancy and a senior position within a diocese. As Diocesan Director of Education and CEO of Good Shepherd Multi Academy Trust, Michael was the lead professional in supporting 104 church schools in the diocese. Providing guidance on school ethos including collective worship, RE and implementing the church inspection process. Also providing training and support, working with networks to develop better succession planning including governor effectiveness and recruitment. Close working with local authority including Children’s Scrutiny Committee and schools’ forum. Facilitating better working relationships between churches and schools. Creating a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) from scratch as CEO and director, developing clear vision and strategies and gaining practical experience of the requirements.
Michael started his career as a secondary RE teacher and then worked as a senior officer in neighbouring local authorities supporting schools in a range of areas and was also in charge of school building development across Oxfordshire.