Strategic Plan

The TKAT Trustees have set and continue to monitor and evaluate their multi-year Strategic Plan for 2022-2025. Our five main objectives over the next three years are detailed below:

To create a culture in all our schools that is motivating and ambitious for all, including disadvantaged children and children with SEND, so that children can achieve their full potential.

We are committed to providing the very best educational experiences for our children and staff and our family of schools aspire to excellent learning and pastoral care so that when our children leave our schools they are well equipped for the next stage in their learning and will go on to be pro-active citizens serving their local communities.

To become the employer of first choice in the area through maintaining a sharp focus on recruitment, retention and collaboration across the Trust.

We believe our staff are our most valued asset and we need to invest time in ensuring we have the best people working and supporting each other in our schools for the benefit of our pupils.

To increase the reach of the school improvement offer, school led school improvement and collaboration across the sector so that pupil outcomes are improved in the local area.

To ensure that there are sufficient resources to provide high quality education and to manage the school estate effectively. This will help to save money and ensure that there is a healthy, safe and sustainable school environment.

To build on our culture of ethical leadership through strengthening governance and leadership across the Trust and fulfilling the Trust’s role in Civic partnerships.