Christian Aid Week
Jul 5 2024
To mark Christian Aid Week (12 - 18 May 2024), all of the school's in The Keys Academy Trust came together to support the charity and raise funds for a good cause.
Two school council/parliament reps from each school visited St. Cecilia’s on Friday 3 May. They met with Peter Barret who is part of Christian Aid Wokingham. Peter spoke about what the organisation does to support people around the world who may be homeless or hungry. Our school council reps then discussed ideas about how TKAT can support Christian Aid Week, before taking their ideas back to their school.
Donation envelopes and an online fundraising platform were created, for families wishing to support this cause.
Below are some of the additional ways we celebrated Christian Aid Week and helped to raise money:
Earley St Peter’s school council led an assembly as part of our weekly theme of Kindness, which is also one of our school values. The children spoke about the work Christian Aid do as a charity to provide those less fortunate with the skills and equipment to better their own lives. We then linked that to our own Values of Service and discussed the things that we can do to help others.
St. Cecilia’s held a non-uniform day and had a games room using games that the Year 6 children had made. This included soak the Headteacher - Mr Thomas!
St Sebastian’s also held a non-uniform day.
Crazies Hill children enjoyed wearing their ‘crazie’ sock combinations to school.
Alder Grove organised a coffee morning for parents.
We were delighted to recently discover how much we raised, when Anthony Bates, Christian Aid Week Treasurer wrote to us:
We are delighted to inform you that your combined efforts have raised an impressive £1,412.25. The generosity and compassion shown by your students, staff, and the entire school community are truly inspiring. Your commitment to helping those in need embodies the spirit of Christian Aid and brings hope to countless individuals. Once again, thank you for your outstanding support. Please extend our gratitude to everyone involved in the fundraising efforts.
This was a great success and we are looking forward to more collaborative fundraising next year.