Our Key Services

The Keys Academy Trust is a well-established specialist primary school Multi-Academy Trust, with schools located in Berkshire. We pride ourselves on being able to offer schools;

Academic Excellence: In the realm of teaching and learning, we offer focused primary school improvement, innovative curriculum design, and tailored support for assessment. Our commitment to OFSTED and SIAMS frameworks, along with robust Leadership, Subject Leaders, DSLs and SENDCo networks, ensures comprehensive educational support for all.

Collaborative Networks: Through partnerships with UCL and CEFEL, we facilitate collaborative learning opportunities and professional development. Weekly briefings, conferences, and strong ties with Oxford Diocesan Board of Education and Wokingham Borough Council enhance our network, creating a thriving community for continuous growth.

Operational Efficiency and Support: Our commitment to operational excellence extends to comprehensive HR, recruitment, and staffing support, as well as finance, admin, marketing, and governance support, an IT infrastructure and cyber security assistance.

We welcome applications from all schools including Local Authority Maintained schools in accordance with our Articles of Association. We have expert professionals within our Central Team who can guide schools efficiently and smoothly through the academisation process.

For further information, please click on the below headings:


  • Focused Primary School Improvement (dedicated time with our full time Director of Teaching, Learning and School Improvement)
  • Innovative Curriculum Design (tailored support for each school to ensure coherence and progression within each subject domain, including Subject Leader development)
  • Having opened two new schools it has given us the opportunity to design curriculums from scratch – we now have models to share with other schools and we know that the design resonates strongly with the OFSTED framework.
  • Tailored support for assessment and moderation
  • Trust support with Ofsted preparation and during inspections
  • SIAMS framework - support for schools
  • Established SENDCo network - SEND assessment packages purchased for schools, SEND specialists, SEND reviews/audits
  • Appointed delivery partners for the UCL Early Careers Teachers Framework
  • Appointed delivery partners with CEFEL for the suite of National Professional Qualifications
  • Forest Learning Alliance within The Keys Academy Trust provides CPD opportunities
  • Collaborative learning opportunities for pupils within The Keys
  • Professional Development
  • Network Opportunities at all levels
  • Weekly Leadership Briefings
  • Annual Leadership Conferences
  • Governor Conference
  • Strong partnerships with Oxford Diocesan Board of Education, Reading University and Wokingham Borough Council
  • Hub structure to encourage collaboration
  • Roundtables
  • Inset Days e.g. retrieval practice, RE and World Views, PPG strategies
  • Peer Reviews
  • Strong financial management and budgeting
  • Assist with staffing structures to ensure the budget is balanced
  • Access to Capital Funding (secured £720k from Conditions Improvement Fund over the last two years)
  • Access to financial efficiencies due to Trust wide procurement
  • Advice with school organisation planning
  • Assisting schools in the setting up of new systems, post conversion
  • Revenue Reserves to support schools in challenging pressures
  • HR, recruitment and staffing
  • Trust wide recruitment of high-quality staff including secondment opportunities
  • Sharing of specialist staff across schools within Hubs e.g. MFL, PE and Music
  • Sharing of cover teachers
  • Health and Safety for all schools within the Trust
  • Trust agreements in place for property maintenance and HR
  • GDPR
  • IT infrastructure and hardware
  • Trust support with cyber security
  • Good Estates Management
  • Trust support with sustainability and climate change
  • Established Systems - SSSCPD, CPOMS, Arbor, GovernorHub, Medical Tracker
  • Being in the same admissions authority allows schools to manage admissions fairly across schools in the local vicinity
  • Support with admissions and appeals - training
  • Advice from the Trust Governance Professional
  • Termly network meetings for Chairs and Vice Chairs of Governors
  • Termly network meetings for Governance Professionals
  • Central policies to reduce workload
  • Support with admission and appeals
  • Training for Governors and Governance Professionals
  • Annual Governor Conference
  • Induction pack for Governors 
  • Local Governing Body Model Agenda Planner 
  • Unlimited access to an Executive Leader for coaching/mentoring
  • Planned programme of support from Director of Teaching Learning and School Improvement
  • Support with PPA from outstanding teachers across the Trust
  • Central support with recruitment, HR, finance and admin areas
  • Support with financial planning and budget monitoring
  • Review of staffing structures
  • Governance
  • Marketing support

The Keys Academy Trust welcomes applications from all schools including Local Authority Maintained schools in accordance with our Articles of Association. We have experts to guide schools efficiently and smoothly through the academisation process, covering the following areas;

  • Project management throughout the conversion process
  • Oversee the application to convert to academy status
  • Provide templates for Consultation with all Stakeholders
  • Liaise with the Regional Schools Commissioner
  • Assist on all land issues
  • Provision of legal support
  • Lead TUPE Consultation and processes alongside local authorities
  • Training of all admin staff in new HR, Financial and Budgeting systems
  • Communication to Stakeholders following conversion
  • Established strong relationships with the RSC, DfE, CST and ODBE which has enabled our sustained growth