Become a Keys School

The Keys is in a strong financial situation and does not anticipate that the removal of the conversion grant will be a barrier to our ongoing growth. It is now part of our due diligence process and each school will be considered on a case by case scenario.
While each one of our schools is unique, we understand that the mutual challenge, support and partnership that we offer each other as a Trust working together will enable our schools to flourish and continue to develop into centres of excellence, providing the very best educational outcomes for all our pupils. Together, we are greater than the sum of our parts.
All schools within The Keys share this vision and life in our schools is underpinned by our values. However each school retains its own identify so it is best placed to serve its own community. Being part of The Keys brings together a group of like-minded people and strong networks.
If you are interested in hearing more about life in The Keys, please contact our CEO, Hester Wooller, via
What does ofsted say about the trust?
“Leaders benefit from expert support from academy trust staff and close partnerships with other schools to develop their curriculum expertise.”
Alder Grove, CE Primary School, Ofsted - June 2023
“The trust and governing body have an accurate view of the school’s strengths, informed by their keen oversight. Staff are extremely well supported by trust-wide opportunities for training and professional development.”
Crazies Hill CE Primary School, Ofsted - November 2023
“The trust takes its responsibilities seriously and knows the school well. Trustees take into account workload and the well-being of staff. Trust leaders have been crucial in ensuring the school maintained high standards of education during some changes in leadership.”
Polehampton Infant School, Ofsted - November 2023
“Staff welcome the regular opportunities that the trust provides to develop both subject and professional knowledge.”
Sonning CE Primary School Ofsted - January 2024